Monday, November 16, 2009


This was a pretty normal week. At youth this week we went to a hockey game, just some local teams, the Nanaimo Clippers against the Burnaby Express. The kids had fun and so did I. Luckily it didn’t go into overtime. Church this week I stayed in the service instead of the routine of going to Sunday school. Lately I’ve realized how old the kids in the high school Sunday school actually are. They are all around 14-16 years old and yet they are still in Sunday school learning about basics of Christianity. I feel as if the church should be challenging these kids more and not spoon feeding them. Pray that us as Kaléo students can challenge the kids in our youth group and Sunday school to go deeper and to really challenge them.

This week is our 24/7 prayer week where someone is always praying throughout the week. We have a designated room where we can write prayers and pray for others and just be open and free with God and others in Kaléo. I’m really excited for this week, to be able to pray and know that others are always praying is such a sweet thought. So check back next week to see what’s happened during our prayer week.
Here at Kaléo there has been several people sick and feeling down and out. There has been coughing, wheezing, sniffling and sore throats going around. So please pray for health and that it would not spread and those that are afflicted can recover quickly.

Kaléo life:
This week has been taken up by our Old Testament class. It was the sweetest and by far the most helpful class in understanding the both the New and Old testament. This was the class that I was most looking forward to, and now that it’s gone I feel an unmotivated sense towards the other classes. I have been excited for this class and now I don’t know how to get excited for the other classes.

During the week of OT we had to make a movie that included the important events of the OT. We had a theme of movie trailers, so all of the events were a movie trailer. The final product turned sweet and hilarious. One night we were filming until 4 in the morning and the next night Trent and James were up the whole night editing the movie, props to them (actually that would be the set director).

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