Monday, January 11, 2010


Ministry at Kaléo:

Over Christmas break turned out to be restful, relaxing and a good break from Kaléo, to appreciate it all the more when I came back. At home in the past, I have come back from missions trips, church, and camp only to drift and do nothing about the change in my life. This time though I was able to for the most part, not drift and was able to share with some old friends about what I was doing here and studying.
Coming back from missions fest, which is on the mainland, we had to take the ferry. On the ferry back over the spealers, we heard “if there is a doctor aboard, please come to the chief steward” this was 40 minutes into the ride, and then five minutes later we are heading back to horse show bay, where we had just come from. Apparently a man onboard had a heart attack. We had to turn around, but I think that within a few minutes of the announcement, most of Kaléo had prayed for that man and the passengers.

Today we had another Olympic meeting in preparation for our missions trip to the Olympics. We discussed what we want to pray for in the ensuing month for preparation. We discussed questions of how are we different than other volunteers, what do we offer that others don’t and how is this a missions trip and why the Olympics? There are many answers to all of these question, that I will probably answer in the upcoming weeks to our trip. It was a good meeting to really get us thinking and praying about what we are going to be doing, and to let god open up doors. Because the more we talk about it, the more excited I am about it, but I have to check my motives. Am I excited because I am going as Christ’s ambassador, or am I excited because I’m going to the Olympics? It is a question that has been on the forefront of my mind lately, and one that I intend to keep there.

Pray for: our next class with JimBad-camp ministry, the Olympic trip-focus, energy, boldness, that God would start preparing fellow volunteers, and spectators and our hearts. Pray also for our snowboard trip to Mt. Washington, that all goes well, we can enjoy each others compant, but above all that we will be a beacon of light to a dark world.

Kaléo Life:

“Mirror mirror on the wall is this not the most ridiculous beard of all?” But what to do with such a ridiculous beard? And is it a good or bad ridiculous? These are the musings that have ben going through my mind this past week. To shave or not to shave, that is the question. Hair is my dilemma, I am torn between the two, I just don’t know what to do.

We had the class Theology of Mission this past week, learning all about what mission is, what the scriptures say about it, how we can carry it out, how the church can better understand what it is and how they can develop it better in their churches. It was a great class to take and participate in and learn from Tim’s (the prof) experience. I pray and hope that we can all put our learning into practice within our churches here and when we head off to Mexico and the Olympics.

Immediately following class left for Missions Fest, a free conference devoted to the subject of Missions. With speakers and seminars and worship it was a revitalizing time with God and a great time getting back into Kaléo and being with Kaléo again. During missions fest, I found that my previously made statement, or more truthfully thought of “I’m never going to be on a long term missions trip” I saw that become untrue. Not to say I’m going on a trip or particularly feel called, but the door is not closed.

By the way we had a cougar sighting during the night as Haley and Marissa were walking back from the gym. It prompted a research and YouTube movies on cougars. We found they have a vertical of like 14 ft and a horizontal of like 20-40 ft. sketchy on the numbers, but something ridiculous like that.